Sunday 25 September 2011

The first entry....

Why have I started writing this blog...? In most cases, I think people write blogs as the ultimate sign of vanity "ohhhh, look at me, follow my life...blah blah blah". I have decided to write my blog for that exact reason.

In all seriousness, I have committed to two major things in the next 12 months - running a marathon and starting a business so my mum can finally tell people I am a managing director (see what I did with the name on this blog now...). This blog will be a way for me to track my performance, potentially drive me on at times and hopefully lead to me receiving a three-book publishing deal.

In doing these two things I am breaking one of my golden rules - one year/one committment. 2009 I committed to getting a new job. 2010 I committed (and successfully succeded) in getting married and so here I am breaking a golden rule in 2011. Fingers crossed it ends in a million pound empire and a respectable marathon time but if it doesn't, I am looking forward to having a little fun along the way.....

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