Sunday 25 September 2011

Rocky 6

Rocky 6 was the best film of the series. Not because of the excellent writing or the standout acting (how Stallone missed out on his second (yes, SECOND!) Oscar is beyond me. And yes, the baddies in the previous films were better (Clubber Lang - amazing!, Ivan Drago - scary!, Apollo Creed - perfection!, Tommy Gun - currently homeless and suffering from HIV, may be worth giving my kids crazy names just to be safe...).

The reason why Rocky 6 was so good was because nobody gave Rocky 6 a chance. Forget the character and focus on the film. The studios didn't back it, the fans didn't believe in it and I doubt even Stallone's mother gave it much hope and she can tell the future (according to her website). But one man believed it would be a classic. One man had complete faith in the script. One man sat back while others mocked and knew that the moment the film was released a new generation of fans would be born. And that man was me.

I am Rocky circa two thirds into Rocky 5. I am 30 years old and according to the NHS BMI chart I am morbidly obese. I smoke. A lot. I like my food. I like my sofa. I really like my Playstation. I go to work and pretend to be busy, I watch the clock and come home. I sit and talk with my wife (the highlight of my day - she reads my blog). I watch TV. I fall asleep. I don't earn a huge amount of money and don't lead an extravagant life.

The thing is it shouldn’t really have been this way. I am smart. I am very well educated. I worked at one of the biggest law firms in the world. I have travelled the globe. I am good at pretty much anything I put my mind to. I am incredibly determined. As my earlier Facebook photos will suggest, I used to be ridiculously, ridiculously, ridiculously good looking. And when I was 7 years old my mother was told by her fortune teller that I would grow up to be a very successful businessman. You can't deny these facts. Ok, maybe that I was ridiculously good-looking although to be fair, my mother did say I was the best looking guy at school so I don't know what to believe.

I digress.

From today, we move forward into the next part of the Rocky series. My business, a recruitment business, is set to launch in a months’ time (I still need to give notice at my current place). It will be a success without a shadow of a doubt (I have faith in that fortune teller..). And in April 2012 I will be completing the Marathon in sub-3hrs 30mins.

It will be achieved  in the good ol' fashioned Rocky way. Through hard work, commitment, self belief, determination, the love of a good woman, slow motion training montages, chasing chickens around, beating the token black bad guy, pounding meat, going to Russia, running up mountains in trainers, and downing lots and lots of raw eggs. To quote another classic celluloid character - this time next year, we'll be millionaires (and no longer obese!).

Now where is my cannoli and fag.....

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